I don't know at what point in my life watching sports became such an arduous activity. There are millions of ardent cricket fans in the country. I can converse about any other topic besides this one with colleagues. I know fans of cricket might find every moment of the match thrilling, but for me a sport like this consists of mostly perfunctory gameplay with exciting moments interspersed in between. And over the years I lost patience for this kind of game. Even a game like football doesn't do it for me anymore. Which is a pity, because for a lot of people both guys and girls it is a wonderful, shared experience to bond over. For me it's more likely to be the latest Netflix movie or show that gets discussed.

Yet there is one sport I can still occasionally watch and whoop and cheer like I never usually do. That game is tennis. Every moment of a tennis match can be absolutely thrilling because there is so much depth and possibility with every stroke of the racket. There are so many equally exciting aspects to the way things can play out.

The aces or unreturnable serves. The perfect return. Extended rallies that have the players scampering all over the court while you follow the movement of the ball waiting for the winner. The audacity that brings a player near to the net the split moment decision to try a drop shot.

You could be a single point away from loss or victory. The incredible mental resilience it can take to make it work or lose it all can be nerve wracking even for a fan. The physical prowess required to play multi hour five setters. Every moment even the ones that don't work for the winner are a joy to watch. There are no second chances in a tennis tournament. If you lose a match, you are out.

Current tennis in the men's arena also has three incredible players with Novak, Rafal and Federer all tied for the Grand Slam wins. There has never been a better time to be a fan of this incredible game.